Snapchat Live Stories

What are Snapchat Live Stories? Wondering what the new Stories section in Snapchat is all about? Snapchat’s Live Stories are a curated stream of user submitted Snaps from various locations and events. Users who have their location services on at the same event location will be given the option to contribute Snaps to the Live Story. The end result is a Story told from a community perspective with lots of different points view.

It has been a year since the messaging startup first introduced Live Stories, the photo and video montages that serve as look-ins on live events like the Kentucky Derby or Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign rally. And in the past six months, Snapchat has beefed up the team that curates these stories while prepping for more advertising partners to coincide with the 2016 presidential campaigns.

Snapchat Live Stories | Snapchat Guide
snapchat live stories

Snapchat’s Live Stories draw an audience of 20 million people in a 24-hour window. The three-day Live Story Snapchat did around Coachella back in April generated 40 million unique viewers, he said.

If you're a seasoned user, then you probably already know that it's a pretty nifty app for sending quick photos and videos to your friends in the most casual way possiblebecause they all "self-destruct" and are automatically deleted just seconds after the recipient opens it. But Snapchat Stories give you a brand new way to message your friends. In fact, this feature is a lot more like a personal feed rather than a message.

How Snapchat Live Stories Works?

A Snapchat Story is a photo or video you post to your very own Stories section of your account, which is visible by you and all your friends. When you visit your "My Friends" tab in Snapchat, your username should appear at the very top, and beneath it will be a circular icon of the most recent story may have posted. Same goes for your friends.

You can tap anybody's name to trigger the dropdown menu that may show additional stories, if the user posted several of them. Stories live for 24 hours and can be viewed again and again for that period. Once the 24-hour time limit is up, they are automatically deleted.

Snapchat’s Live Stories are similar to other social media sites like Facebook’s timeline, this “slideshow” is public for all Snapchat friends. But, unlike its rivals, Snapchat’s picture/video chain feature only lasts for 24 hours–thus maintaining Snapchat’s vision of sharing media temporarily.

Anyone in the world with Snapchat can open their app, find the collection of snaps from event, and watch it as a single Snapchat Story. The feature doesn't identify who created which snaps, only showing that they were all captured at the same event.

If there is a collection from a live event in your area, it will appears in a new label marked "Live" found under the "Recent Updates" section of the app. While the feature seems tailor made for entertainment events, it could also prove to be a useful journalistic tool.

Posting to Snapchat Live Stories

Live Stories allows Snapchatters who are at the same event location to contribute Snaps to the same Story. It’s really easy to use. :)

To post to Live Stories, you'll need to be at a Live Story event and have your device's location services turned on. You'll also need to turn on Filters under 'Additional Services' in Snapchat settings.

Take a Snap on the main camera page

Tap the Stories icon on the bottom of the screen.

If you are at an event that has a Live Story, you'll see two options: 'My Story' and the event's Live Story. If you send your Snap to Live Story, it may be published and viewable by anyone.

Viewing Snapchat Live Stories

Live Stories allow Snapchatters who are at the same event location to contribute Snaps to the same Story. If you can’t make it to an event, watching the Live Story makes you feel like you’re right there! It’s really easy to use.

The 'Live' section under your Recent Updates is where you'll be able to experience Live Stories created by the Snapchat community at selected events.

To view Live Stories, press and hold the event name that has a circle next to it on the 'Stories' screen.

Hiding Live Snapchat Stories

You can choose whether or not you want to see a Live Story in the 'Live' section.

To hide the Live Story from your 'My Friends' screen, tap on the Live Story's icon to the right

Tap 'Hide' on the pop-up that appears.

Show Snapchat Live Stories in the Live section

If you wish to add the Live Story back to your Live section, scroll down to the name of the Live Story in your My Friends list and tap on the name of the Live Story

Tap 'Show in Live.'



Snapchat Live Stories
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